Amazon has done it again. The put a task killer on their amazon app store. The big deal you say? Well, the Android Platform is based on Linux which manages its memory in such a way that a task killer can potentially cause more harm than good. Clear? Ok?
(Edit: It is great for apps that are not well written and always operate in the background)
So Amazon had their free app of the day be a Task killer. It was akin to saying to the community we know nothing about you. It’s like going to and asking for a
bag. It doesn’t work.
What can you as a business owner take away from this?
1. Know your customer. Really understand what is important to them and offer the appropriate services or products.
2. Learn from past mistakes. I have talked about Amazon before and it seems that they are still on their learning curve. While opting to offer high quality vetted apps they have had a few missteps. Take the stumbling blocks you have had and draw at least once lesson you can use in the future.
3. Keep your ear to the ground. Do you know the current trends your customer is participating in? The current conversations and discussions they are having? (Hint Hint social media is a great way to listen in)
I am sure Amazon is trying their best and they are working to improve this system. What do you think about it? Has the amazon app store provided something useful or are they just jumping on the band wagon?