Personalize to get business!

Personalize to Show Customers You Care

(Highlight to tweet!)

I watched this video at least 3 times (It had my name everywhere)! Who doesn’t love their name in lights? As I hit play again something occurred to me…this is why social media works.

Social media’s strong suit is not in getting your brand out there but giving you the ability to connect one-on-one on a massive scale! (Trust me, this is not an oxymoron)

Personalization gives people that feeling that you are talking to them. The more you can personalize your content the more you can draw in your customers. Below are 5 ways that your customers can see their name in lights!


1.Use your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to keep track of all the little notes you pick up along the way. Your CRM is a pivotal aspect of your business. It allows you to keep track of your customers and their likes, hobbies, and more. Maybe they have a love of Corgis or can’t stand to be without their Tab. Whatever it is, if you know it, you can connect with them using gifts, articles, or events! (If you need to pick your CRM here is a great resource )

2. Use their name! Take the time to use their name. It not only catches their attention but you further your relationship. So, when you are replying on Twitter – use their name. Mention them on Facebook or Periscope. It will make them feel special.

This is why personalization works


3.  Find content that directly relates to them. Using the notes you have amassed in your CRM find relevant articles about their interests not just their business. If they love a sports team send them a small note of congratulations.

4. Share in their accomplishments. When they post about their new client or an award their business received congratulate them! Shout them out on social media. LinkedIn is a great platform to do this in but you an also send an email.

5. Create and source unique opportunities for them. Because you know all the things they like from keeping track in your CRM you also now know what kinds of events that would make them excited. If you sponsor an event look to see who would also love to attend that event and invite them. If you are invited to an event see if you can add a +1.

These are just some of the ways your clients can feel special and appreciated. What other ways have you found to personalize?


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