Pinterest for service based businesses.

Pinterest is the new darling of the social media world. Pinterest is a visual pinboard that allows you to “pin” items from across the internet onto a variety of self-created boards. Every day there are infrographics about how it has more reach than LinkedIn and YouTube combined. But how do you use it if you are not a fashion designer or a crafty person? Services can share themselves on Pinterest without seeming to “salesy”.  Pinterest for service based businesses is a possibility and here is how.



1.Get Pretty. Include interesting pictures in your blog posts and create creative captions to add to your board. For example, if you are a coach you can have a beautiful picture of the Grand Canyon and title the pin “How you can hike the Grand Canyon”. This pin could take them to an article about goal setting on your website.

2.Give Tips. Create a long pin (the height will also make you stand out more) with two or three sentence tips and an appropriate graphic. For example, if you are a lawyer you can share tips on how to quickly incorporate and include a graphic like this:

3.Know your SEO. Make sure your boards are titled in such a way that they are easy to find by searching. Basically be short and sweet. It’s the difference between “How to achieve your dreams” and “Dreams and goals”.

Do you have other suggestions for service based businesses? Share below!

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