So what you started a small business?

Define your purpose or wander aimlessly.

As a business owner you have to understand why you started your small business. If your small business is not going where you expect it, take a look at your purpose and see if your actions are aligned with that.   Building a business is not easy and heaven knows there are those days where nothing seems to go right. However, if you are clear on what your purpose is and who your clients are it pulls you through.   Here are some questions to ask yourself.

Why did I start this?/What is my purpose?

It is easy to lose sight of your core motivation when you are dealing with the day-to-day runnings of your business. Take a step back and look at what made you step out on a limb. If it has changed since then, have your actions? If it hasn’t changed, what do your actions reflect?

What actions do I take to forward the purpose of my business?

(Note: Forwarding the purpose of your business and forwarding your business are two different things and can be mutually exclusive but are not necessarily so)

What conversations have I had to forward my business?

Nothing moves forward without conversations. So who have you talked to today, besides yourself, that will deliver progress? (Note: Complaining to your significant other does not deliver progress.)


By answering honestly these three questions you will be able to gain an understanding on what does and does not work in your business.


Did I miss something? Or do you think I’m just plain wrong? Either way comment below!

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  1. Love your message. I also feel a business owner should learn the importance of networking and knowing their customer, as well as anticipating their needs. I heard a saying that was so right to me. You should surround yourself with people who have the solutions to your struggels vs. people in the same boat as you. We need to think of the next level and move forward to reach it.

    1. I completely agree, knowing your customer can make or break you. I also find that networking is a great benefit to any business owner for exactly that reason. Being surrounded by people who have something to contribute helps you to keep moving forward. Also, the contacts that you can make can be invaluable over the course of your business.

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