You don’t pay me to post. It’s true. Social media for business is not about finding the latest meme or sharing some sappy emotional quote. It’s about branding your business. It’s about finding and interacting with your loyal fans. It’s about providing value for your fans and followers.
So yes, while you can ask your cousin’s sister’s best friend’s child to do Facebook for you you will not get the results you want. (You want to grow your business correct?) They are just posting. And frankly if that’s all you want then you should go with them.
However, if you want a strategy-planning-influencer hunting-continuing education social media guru ninja chewbacca you need to invest.

So while you don’t pay me to post (I’ll admit anyone can do that)
You do pay me for:
To love on your brand. I will treat your brand like it’s mine. I will search out the nuances that make you different and amazing and share them with the world. I will take that extra time to read your blog post and share the important bits with your audience. I take advantage of unique opportunities that are perfectly suited. I create opportunities that are perfectly suited.
Fly in the face of experts. When is the best time to post? Between 10 am – 2pm. Unless it’s your brand. In which case, it depends. Are you tired of searching for the “Best of” posts to tell you how to do your social media? They are useless unless you adjust to your audience. Which means research into understanding your audience and that leads me to my next point.
Look at the sexy sexy data. I look at all the numbers that Facebook, Google Analytics, Twitter, Pinterst, etc throw out and change them into something that can be used. I make the numbers tell me a story about your business and your webiste. Wether it is taking them out for a nice cup of coffee or taking them out to a party I get the info they are hiding.
“But it’s a free platform. They are all free platforms!” Yes they are. What that get’s you is an even playing field with Coke. It does not mean that the cost of doing business on these platforms is also cheap or free. It takes time and expertise to engage with your audience in a way that reaches your goals.
Did you know that everyday you should execute a community growth strategy? What about interacting with clients, influencers, and your ideal client? Don’t forget about creating content and sourcing content. These are just some of the doings of social media but much more than that is the value you get from someone loving on your brand, flying in the face of experts, and looking at the sexy sexy data.
So, when you are thinking of investing in social media as a way to grow your business remember, you are investing in your brand. There’s nothing more important than that right?
Have you retained an agency? What have your experiences been?
pThanks for the great post and ideas to consider as I continue to grow my business./p
Excellent post! I am big believer in investing in my business and I do have help with my social media. I think the most important tip is that social media requires a strategy. Most of us can be haphazard in our approach. From a marketing perspective, success flows from consistency and persistence! Love what you are offering and I love your ninja guru chewbaca brilliance!
Minette Riordan, Ph.D.
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Thanks! I always try to stress the strategy behind it all. Banishing “one off posting” one person at a time!
This is a great article to gain clarity on what to expect and what not to expect.
Wow, those sound like awesome services! And LOL about having your best friend’s sister’s cousin’s child do it. I have tried to do it myself but I know I am missing the branding piece. As you said, without that, it’s just posting.
Yep if that’s not clear everything else is murky!