These new Instagram updates are going to be a great boon to your business. Hashtags: You can now add hashtags in your profile. Why you should care: Your profile has…
The quick and dirty social media management system for you – the busy entrepreneur. Said another way. Done. Is better than Perfect. This might be considered Monday Motivation as…
How crypto currency and Social Media are the same thing. And why it matters to your business. You’ve seen the ads on Facebook, around Google and even have gotten…
So you’ve probably have heard the buzz around quizzes. In fact, you’ve probably taken one or two or a couple (What character from Harry Potter are you?) The great thing…
You might have heard that Facebook has experienced another huge data breech. This time in relation to the last election. This has spawned the hashtag #DELETEFACEBOOK and users are…
Do you notice how that happens? You open your mouth about your business to a friend or stranger and they know someone or they have been looking for someone? Well,…